The Washington Journalism and Media Conference

Katie Fletcher


Faculty Advisor

Katie Fletcher is a born and bred Texan. After getting her BA in Political Science and English from Texas Tech University, Katie began her teaching career.  She currently teaches at the alma mater of Roy Orbison, in a tiny town whose population numbers less than 1,000. As the Fine Arts department at her school, Katie is responsible for overseeing the production of the school-wide yearbook and numerous photographs that are featured in the local county newspaper, as well as all Art classes. She is in her fourteenth year of teaching Journalism. Outside the classroom, Katie is the advisor for Student Council where she works closely with students in serving both the school and local community. She’s passionate about the leadership characteristics and qualities that StuCo & WJMC nourish and finds great joy in seeing her students thrive. In her free time, Katie is an enthusiastic photographer, reader, concert attendant, sports fanatic, spades player, and traveler. She’s very excited to be back at such a prestigious conference and can’t wait for the adventure to begin!

Maggie Campbell


Junior Faculty Advisor

Maggie Campbell is a rising senior at Ohio University studying journalism and a Washington, D.C. area native. She attended WJMC as a correspondent in 2014 and has served as a Junior Faculty Advisor since the summer of 2017. While at Ohio University she has been active in the campus Society of Professional Journalists and the student-run publication The Post. This past year she served as president of OUSPJ and was a copy editor, social media contributor, and member of The Post’s investigations team. She has covered issues such as education, facilities, and sexual assault in schools. Maggie has previously been recognized for her public affairs reporting by the Central Ohio chapter of Society of Professional Journalists. Maggie is looking for toward to a great summer of watching aspiring journalists grow and discover D.C.

Jada McClure

Advance Team Member

Jada McClure is a junior at George Mason University from Mt. Pleasant, North Carolina. She is a Communication major with a concentration in Public Relations and a minor in Journalism. After attending the 2014 Washington Journalism and Media Conference, she worked as an intern in the Office of Admissions at GMU, assisting the Washington Scholars Program with logistics and social media. She is currently Social Media Manager for Northern Virginia Area Health Educations Center (NVAHEC) at Mason. Jada is a sister of the Zeta Tau Alpha (Theta Chi) chapter where she served as Junior Panhellenic Delegate and is also a member of Optimist International in North Carolina. She is very excited to be returning as an Advance Team Member!


Justin Turner


Faculty Advisor

Justin Turner has taught journalism and advised yearbooks, newspapers, and literary magazines for 13 years.  In that time he’s found his passion: supporting students, the 1st amendment, and the power of those to things together. Justin’s staffs have won numerous state and national awards including gold medals, first divisions, individual write off awards, Arkansas’s top honor, the All-Arkansas award, and has placed in the top 10 best of show at a JEA/NSPA convention. Justin was named the 2020 Arkansas Adviser of the Year. This will be Justin’s seventh WJMC and he’s incredibly excited to help our newest correspondents make the best of their opportunity.

Sue Muraida



Sue Muraida is a best-selling author, speaker, and pursuer of abundant life. Over the past 30 years, she has worked as a medical photographer, photojournalist, leadership trainer, writer, and teacher. Sue has published three books, Change For a Penny, The Silent Sound of Darkness, and her memoir Going Back For Me, as well as co-authored the anthology Deserts To Mountaintops: Our Collective Journey To (Re)Claiming Our Voice. She is currently the program director for Humanities North Dakota.

Samantha Shaw


Faculty Advisor

Samantha Shaw earned her BA in English and Comparative Literature and Masters of the Arts in Teaching from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she was named Student Teacher of the Year in 2022, and recognized as one of the top 10 student teachers in the state of North Carolina. Now, she teaches English at Carrboro High School. Sam loves discovering the ways she can bring her students’ passions into a project based and equity focused English classroom. She fervently believes that words have the power to change us — whether that’s a potent literary work or the unique power of the press. Her teaching has been inspired by the transformational experiences at WJMC. She is a WJMC 2016 alumna, was an intern in 2017, and worked as a JFA from 2018 – 2020; she’s ecstatic to be back again! When she’s not in the classroom, Sam is managing social media or editing books for the author Katie Cross, listening to audiobooks, or cheering on the Tar Heels with her friends and family.

Camden Layton

Advance Team Member

Camden Layton is a rising senior at George Mason University studying Public Administration. After first attending the conference in 2016, he then returned as a Conference Intern in 2017, and then again as a Junior Faculty Advisor in 2018. His favorite part about the conference is the friendships he has made and those he has been able to watch form. He is involved in many different things on campus, but when he is free you can normally find him in a Dunkin Donuts with his friends. Camden is super excited to be returning to the program again this summer!

Rachel Cleaver, MPA


Senior Associate Director, K-12 Partnerships

Rachel is the Senior Associate Director of K-12 Partnerships in the Office of Admissions. In this role, she creates and oversees partnerships that help bring more students to the Mason campus. She works with many departments and organizations across the campus as well as the community as a whole to talk about the great things happening at George Mason as well as College Access and Success overall. Rachel oversees bringing groups of students of all ages to campus and you will often see her corralling large groups of middle school students around campus. Rachel provides general support to the Washington Scholars Program. Prior to coming to George Mason, Rachel has extensive experience leading the programmatic efforts at two college access and success programs on the East Coast, Let’s Get Ready and The Hoop Dreams Scholarship Fund. She has extensive experience in curriculum design and program management and in helping under-served high school students achieve their college dreams. She earned BS degrees in Elementary Education and Human/Organizational Development from Vanderbilt University and a Masters in Public Administration from George Mason University. She loves living in Washington, DC and looks forward to welcoming you here this summer!

Elena Johnson, MED


Director, Washington Scholars Program

Elena is the Director of the Washington Scholars Program (WSP) which includes the Washington Journalism and Media Conference (WJMC) and the Washington Youth Summit on the Environment (WYSE).  As the director, she works to create fulfilling conference experiences by developing curriculum for the programs, as well as recruiting professional faculty and nationally recognized speakers in the fields of journalism and the media and environmental science. Under her leadership the programs have tripled in size and furthered their reach through key partnerships. Elena also manages several key partnerships for the Office of Admissions that focus on dual enrollment programming and college access initiatives. Prior to working in the Office of Admissions, Elena worked as a College and Career Specialist helping high school students explore their educational and career goals and choices. Elena earned a B.A. in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill and her Masters in Education from George Mason University.

Rodger Smith


Professor & WGMU Radio/Podcast Faculty Advisor, George Mason University

Professor Rodger Smith is a professor of Communication at George Mason University. He is currently teaching COMM 359 Media Management, COMM 148 Radio Workshop 1, COMM 354 Radio Production, COMM 348 Radio Workshop 2 and COMM 372 Sports and the Media.

He is currently the faculty advisor for WGMU, the campus online radio station. Professor Smith’s interest in Communications came from an interest in the cause and effect of programming and how the media affects culture, daily life and technology. His previous work in radio includes working for WFTR Front Royal, Virginia where he was a news director (1986-1988), sports director and mid-day on-air talent (1988-1989) and a morning drive personality (1990-1992). He also worked as an advertising/production director for WUSQ Winchester.

Professor Smith was honored in Who’s Who in the Media and Communications in 1997-1998. Professor Smith also serves as the public address announcer for football and basketball games at his Alma Mater, Warren County High School in Front Royal, VA.