The Washington Journalism and Media Conference

Abbygail Hayes

Abbygail is originally from Wichita, KS and is currently living in Moore, Oklahoma. She is a senior at Moore High School and will be attending Wichita State University in the fall of 2018 as a dual major studying Business Management and Communications with a concentration in Journalism. Abbygail aspires to be an American Sign Language Interpreter as well as a Traveling Reporter and Journalist. She is very involved in her school and community as a Freshmen Mentor, National Honor Society Scholarship Chairman, Social Media Coordinator, Senior Editor and Chief of the Lion’s ROAR newspaper, Free Lance Photographer for the yearbook, and a Student Council Senator. She works two jobs and tutors junior high school students. During the summer of 2017, she was an intern at a Communications Firm and spent a week at the Washington Journalism and Media Conference. She feels so blessed to be given the opportunity to contribute to WJMC 2018.

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