Zach Wineburg works on the Democratic Elections Team at Google. Zach is a veteran in mobilization and campaign management, with over a decade of experience on elections at every level – from municipal to Congressional, Senate, Gubernatorial, and Presidential. With stints at the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee (DSCC) and at Democratic Governor’s Association (DGA), Zach has also served as campaign manager for Congresswoman Gabby Giffords’ successful reelection in 2008, and as part of President Obama’s Senior Leadership Team in the battleground state of Iowa in 2012. As a member of Google’s Elections Team, Zach supports Democratic candidates, committees, and Super PACs in targeting their message to the right audiences by utilizing Google’s suite of tools and products. He holds his bachelor’s degree from Mary Washington College and a master’s degree from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.
Zach Wineburg
Democratic Elections Team, Google